It’s a Small World…

I went for a sunset beach walk with a couple of friends last night. Before hitting the sand, we made a quick pitstop at our favorite tiki bar for some refreshment.

While there, Alyssa asked a solo man if he’d mind sharing his table for a few minutes. During our introductions it turned out that Gary had moved down here from Michigan (as had both Alyssa and Katie). So that was interesting (graciously, they allowed this non-Michigander to continue hanging out with them).

As the conversation progressed Katie discovered that Gary was from the same little town that she grew up in. That was pretty wild to learn, so they both started rattling off names and locations to see what else they might have in common.

It turned out that Katie’s parents had purchased a store from Gary’s sister over 30 years ago…and now Katie, Gary, and his sister all live down here in St Pete. Talk about a small world! 🌎

And yes, you probably now have that Disney song stuck in your head. You’re welcome! 😂

Categories: Observations

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