Ohio Visit

Near the end of May, I hopped on a plane to Ohio. The trip required some careful preparation on my part, since I was trading hot Summer days for cool Spring-like weather. I had to dig jeans, long-sleeve shirts, and tennies out from the back of my closet where they were relegated months ago.

It was a quick five day trip but I packed a lot in a short amount of time: watched Harper’s baseball game, prepped for Gracie’s graduation party, checked out Ronja’s newly purchased old house, chatted with family, explored a Civil War era historic site, met some local wildlife, found my wings downtown, and spent quality time with Shane and Angelika (my favorite cousins).

It was a such a wonderful visit!

Categories: Observations


  1. wonderful pictures of the family! So good to see them all. I love the ones of you, wish there were more. We do have an amazing family!!!

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